7,243 Gifts

7,243 Gifts

Students having a discussion


1,515 Dollars

12 Gifts

All of us in the Department of Anthropology are deeply grateful to the many people who have made it possible to cultivate our students’ success and curiosity. We’ve used your gifts to expand undergraduate and graduate student learning inside and outside the classroom, to recruit top-notch graduate students, and to foster innovation and creativity in our intellectual community. We are proud of our ability to make limited resources go far! Support from alumni and friends — including during previous Days of the Badger — has allowed us to better fulfill our program’s educational and research mission.  

Your gifts will be used to continue this important and engaging work. Last year we were able to paint and furnish a modest but well-used collaborative study space. This year’s top priority is support for student research and professional development opportunities. Scholarships that enable students to attend an archaeological field school, give a first professional talk, or present at a local conference are made possible by your donations. We also love to support students who need just a little help to finish up a promising new research project. Whether your donation goes to support student experiences, program excellence, or events that foster intellectual engagement and public outreach, we can promise that it will be wisely used and greatly appreciated! 

Recent Donors

Claire Wendland & Mary Moore

Alice & Andrea

Amy Stambach and Matt Bershady

Andrew Mergen



See all donors on our virtual donor wall