

Volunteers with The Open Seat UW Student Food Pantry unload and sort nearly $500 in groceries at the Student Activity Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Nov. 21, 2020. The student organization is preparing Thanksgiving dinner ingredient kits to be freely distributed to nearly 100 requesting students. All were wearing face masks and practicing safety protocols as the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues. (Photo by Jeff Miller / UW-Madison)

Campus Food Access

College life is an incredible journey filled with endless possibilities, but for some, it comes with its own sets of challenges. Many students face the daunting reality of not having enough food to sustain themselves adequately. It is not something that is often talked about, but it is a struggle that affects more students on the UW–Madison campus than you might think. 

With the rising cost of everything from tuition to everyday living expenses, students are often forced to make some tough decisions. There is a constant battle between investing in their education and meeting their most basic needs. This struggle shouldn’t be what defines the college experience.  

Your gift to the Campus Food Access Fund will provide support for student food insecurity initiatives on campus, including the Open Seat Food Pantry and the Badger Fare Food Access Program, which provides $75 of immediate funds to a student’s Wiscard. Through your support, you will help students have access to healthy, fresh, and varied food resources and ensure that no Badger goes hungry. 

Thank you for your generosity. Your gift will make a big difference!